Domandi - Why

Life Manual…Domandi
  • Why is this happening for me
  • Why not?
  • Why should you be trusted?
  • Why do I indulge to the point that I am mastered by temptation?
  • Why are you doing this?
  • Why is this not growing?
  • Why did I make the mistakes I did?
  • Why am I here?
  • Why am I going there?
  • Why should I do business with you versus all other options versus doing nothing versus what I am doing right now?
  • Why am I playing?
  • Why did you pick them?
  • Why is that important
  • Why do you want to go there
  • Why is light given to a man who's way is hidden
  • Why am I creating this
  • Why is it important for me to leverage this now
  • Why would you not even ask
  • Why is this
  • Why is there a lack of execution on these initiatives
  • Why would you leave everything for what will prove to be a disappointment
  • Why are we speaking of the personality rather than the principle
  • Why do you stand for that which you do
  • Why is this important?
  • Why does this work?
  • Why am I afraid of that
  • Why are these things important to you
  • Why do I want the Victory